Inspired by the weeks Travel Talk on Twitter I've put together a photo essay of the pets we've got to know on our ...

Photo Essay – Pets from our travels

Inspired by the weeks Travel Talk on Twitter (#ttot), I’ve put together a photo essay of the pets we’ve got to know on our travels. We both love animals and we’re always happy to meet people’s pets as we travel around. Usually we take a few photos of them too so here is a collection of some of our favourites so far!

Photo Essay Pets from our travels - The cat from Bacoma resort in Kep

The cat from Bacoma resort in Kep, I loved the way she was sleeping so couldn’t resist the photo op!

Photo Essay Pets from our travels - Clyde from Bacoma resort in Kep, sadly we don't have a picture of his partner in crime Bonnie!

Clyde from Bacoma resort in Kep, sadly we don’t have a picture of his partner in crime Bonnie..

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - Jessie from our first HelpX in Ballarat, definitely one of the smartest dogs we've met

Jessie from our first HelpX in Ballarat, definitely one of the smartest dogs we’ve met.

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels -Jessie could get a bit excitable sometimes!

Jessie could get a bit excitable sometimes!

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - She loved to watch TV too!

She loved to watch TV too!

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - This is Charlie, the gentle giant from our second HelpX in Rye. He was my shadow when the family went away for a few days.

This is Charlie, the gentle giant from our second HelpX in Rye. He was my shadow when the family went away for a few days.

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - Lucky kept us company on Phillip Island with Susie in her lovely airbnb. He was a bit of an attention seeker though, and definitely don't leave any chocolate lying around...

Lucky kept us company on Phillip Island with Susie in her lovely airbnb. He was a bit of an attention seeker though, and definitely don’t leave any chocolate lying around…

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - This guy lived at Swami's Yoga retreat in Kenthurst. He'd always jump on your lap when you least expected it...

This guy lived at Swami’s Yoga retreat in Kenthurst. He’d always jump on your lap when you least expected it.

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - The best way to keep any cat amused for hours!

The best way to keep any cat amused for hours!

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - Sally was a bit shy!

We did some window cleaning to earn some extra money in Sydney and there were two very sweet dogs there. This is Sally who was a bit shy, she was very old and just wanted to get out of the sun.

Photo Essay Pets from our travels - Dreamy was so cute! Especially since she'd just had a bath

The other one was Dreamy, she was so cute! Especially since she’d just had a bath and was ridiculously fluffy.

Photo Essay Pets from our Travels - And finally... Meow Meow! The cat that loves to talk back

And finally… At our current HelpX in Newcastle NSW we met the aptly named Meow Meow! The cat that loves to talk back.


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