About me, Lisa Forte
Hello, I’m Lisa Forte, a 20 something Scot and amateur explorer. I have always been mildly jealous of people who appear carefree and happy. This jealousy grows rapidly if the happiness can be attributed to an extensive and exotic travel history.
For years I have been envious of friends who have made the decision to quit their 9-5 life for travel. Every time Facebook would update me on a friends travel plans I would ignore the pang of jealously and convince myself that travel wasn’t right for me or I was missing something that I believed was essential for me being able to make the same decision. At best I was in denial and at worst I was outright fibbing to myself.
On the 16th May 2014 my own travel plans became official when I posted them on Facebook, I am a self confessed Facebook addict, 89 likes and 42 comments later I was sure I had made the right decision. Thank goodness, once it’s on Facebook it’s hard to go back! Not to mention I had resigned from my job.
Before I became a full time traveller I worked for The Prince’s Trust as a Philanthropy manager. Fancy job title right? It meant I helped raise large donations for the charity by identifying and meeting philanthropists. It was a very cool job and I hope I’ll be able to find something as rewarding when I return to the UK.
I hope to use this blog to document how we made the decision to go travelling, what we did before we left the UK and our adventure as it unfolds. I hope old friends and family will enjoy the blog and being updated on our travels and new friends will join us for inspiration and what little guidance we can offer.
Much love,